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Essential Recovery Reading

families of addiction - addict/alcoholics - friends of addicts
​​​Many families are fooled

When other treatment programs distract desperate families with beach front views, mountain crests, massages, and, 5 star dining.

These are all nice things but they have nothing to do with how addicts/alcoholics  get sober, and even less about how they will remain sober once they go back home.

We know you're story because it's our story, too!


My younger brother died from an accidental overdose, just 2 weeks after "graduating from a well known, expensive addiction center. This particular treatment program was housed in a mansion on 10 acres of lush property. My brother was able to play golf all day long, eat 3 fantastic meals, and even co-mingle with the opposite sex. It was so much fun... And, then he died!

My brother died after addiction treatment because they failed to provide the one thing he needed to survive. CHANGE!

Nice break, but, same perspective!

My little brother came out of his addiction-treatment program exactly the same, no change whatsoever. He was more rested but his thinking was exactly the same. His entire perspective

had not been changed.


My brother believed the lies;


  • Saw himself as 'less-than' 

  • Believed he was only as good as his performance

  • No matter what, he could never be enough

  • Thought he had to stay busy

  • Easily irritated

And back to the other extreme of lies


  • he didn't need any help

  • he would eventually figure it out

  • If only everyone else would get off his back

  • Once he got back to work everything would great

This endless cycle of extremes, the shameful/shameless dynamic is at the core of every addict/alcoholic. When this is changed, the world becomes a new place!



Don't have a drinking problem, it's a thinking problem!

When a person learns how to change their thinking, their perspective, the need to drink, use drugs, or, engage in any compulsive behaviors, goes away.

In order to combat addiction/alcoholism, or, any other compulsions, the person must

learn how to think differently, see themselves in new light, change perceptions, and, develop new responses to life's difficulties.

Justin's Lighthouse is comfortable facility but that's not why people come here.


Families who have been betrayed by the majority of traditional addiction treatment programs across the country come to Justin's Lighthouse for real solutions, real CHANGE.


You expect for your loved-one to leave here a different person with different thinking and definitely a more realistic image of themself.

We don't distract you with amenities, although we have very nice ones.


We prefer to focus on results. (We can get you a massage if your loved-one really wants one)

Justin's Lighthouse is a program developed to achieve results, every time.


We know you've been conditioned to believe that "you never know if the treatment

will work" narrative, but that's simply not true.


We're talking about addiction, a very real disease with very real solutions, that work for everyone!


However, success does require working with experts who actually understand

addiction and more importantly, recovery. (see our article on the difference

between private programs vs traditional programs)​​


Recovery help for
parents & families


Addiction, Alcoholism, Mental-illness, and, Behavioral disorders affect the entire family. This will continue to happen until the family does something different.


When the family begins to do things differently the addict begins to accept help... even when they are resistant!

Accepting help is the key
to lasting-change

One of the most difficult things to get a handle-on is the acceptance that you or loved-one is sick beyond anything you, or the rest of the family can do. you know this well because you've tried every possible thing to help but it's simply not enough to get the person 'back to normal'. 

We know this also because our family tried everything we could think-of to save my little brother's life but he still died.

Over the past 20 years, we poured our pain into discovering why so traditional addiction-treatment programs fail 90% of the time, and developing a program that's makes no excuse, to achieve real results!

Admitting that you need help is not an admission of failure, or giving -up. You are finally reaching the point, in this disease, where you recognize a need for help. That's a good thing!

Addiction and behavioral disorders are very complex issues and the require the enlistment of professionals who have personal lived-experience with these same issues. And, who know how to overcome them.

Addiction is tricky because the primary symptom is 'Bad Behavior'

It's easy to think "if they would just act right..."

Bad behavior is the most prevalent symptom of addiction, so, it's easy to believe that if our loved-ones would simply change their behavior, then, all would be good.

The reason the addict can go through periods

of 'better behavior', but, always seems to revert back to 'bad behavior', is because the behavior

is a symptom, it's not the problem.


The real problem is faulty-thinking, the way in a person interprets their experiences is distorted. These distortion begin in childhood and become solidified, programmed, in the thought-processes.

Identifying and re-arranging these thought-patterns are at the core of a successful recovery process.


2024 Justin's Lighthouse Recovery and family counseling

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