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The reason your life is still a struggle
is because you haven't received
proper treatment

We don't do 'maybe'!

Learn how to change and stay changed! 

STOP the cycle of revolving-door rehabs! Traditional therapies have long been a disaster. Causing more damage than good. Many Residential and Out-patient treatment programs are treated like a race-to-the-finish, one size fits all.. and that just doesn't work. While every patient is expected to adhere to a daily course of intensive activity after another'. Patients learn to comply with this format to avoid conflict with the staff, but very little change occurs. This is misleading to patients and families by the tens of thousands; After quick 'race to the finish' style treatment, Families say; "They did so well in rehab; we just don't understand why our family member relapsed after returning home" Loved-ones relapse after returning home because they weren't afforded the proper environment for real change to take place. Out-patient programs aren't much different and can be just as exhausting and ineffective due to a lack of trauma-understanding among therapists who may focus more on problems and feelings instead of pain and solutions. Many patients are actually traumatized by their treatment from traditional program-models and quickly return to old behaviors. JUSTIN'S LIGHTHOUSE understands this dysfunctional dynamic, perhaps, better than any program, which is why we offer a completely different style of treatment and services. Being forced into compliance. labels, and ideas are good for some people, but not all people. Real recovery happens when patients are allowed the space and time to slow down (not hurry up), making it possible for them actually learn about the true causes of their conditions. All in an environment that encourages questions and feedback. 3 key elements that bring about change and healing, every time: 1) Give space slow down (not speed up) 2) Teach tons of new information that is relevant to the individual. 3) Provide a safe space to practice what they are learning while giving the body, mind, and spirit a chance to heal and recover, also.


Unique program

for unique people

Addiction looks like Bad Behavior...

Dealing with addiction and mental health issues can be tricky because the behavior can look so bad. In many ways, Addiction and mental health issues can be more painful and confusing than dealing with cancer because family members never know where they stand. Constantly giving-in to the demands of the sick-person, families can feel like hostages in their own own, while the sick person is playing out a mini-drama of denial and poor decisions.

If the patient had the capacity to solve their own problems, they would have done it by now!

Often times, family members keep saying 'yes' to the demands of the patient, in order to keep the peace. Demands such as; rent money, car payment, cell phone bill, etc... Believing that if the patient didn't have the stresses of eviction, or, no money, or no cell phone, they will magically overcome a life-time of very real sickness.

Getting a new job, a new car, or, more money, has never, in the history of genuine addiction or mental illness, worked!

What does work, every time...

When families draw the line in the sand and treat theses conditions as a real sickness. Seeking professional help to guide your loved-one on a journey of emotional, mental, spiritual,  physical, and psychological development. 

Overcoming these issues are much deeper than simply changing the patient's situation. You've already tried that!

Changing the patient from inside-out is the solution!

A complete transformation will require time to learn new information, space to process and apply, and, courage to practice a new way of thinking, and, living.


Mental health recovery
addiction treatment center
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Justin's Lighthouse is a leader in helping entire families and individuals who struggle with addictions or mental-illness.

Our programs have lead the way for change among thousands of people searching for more effective solutions to real-life problems. We implement strategies that impact our clients for the rest of their lives.


Like you, we seek lasting change, not simply a 'short-term feel good" experience.

Reach out today to find out how we can help you or your family!

Justinslighthouse addiction treatment center
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Have you been traumatized by
other treatment programs?

We treat our clients like family, while 
teaching what other programs d


More than just an
addiction treatment center

change will happen, are you ready?
Treating the symptoms of Addiction isn't enough


A whole host of mal-adaptive behaviors are in full swing by the time addiction or alcoholism is fully developed. The frustrating behaviors of addiction are actually the final stages of what has been a lifetime in the making.

All addicts/alcoholics see the world from their own "shame-based" perspective. Believing the lies they aren't 'good enough', life isn't fair, and, if everyone would just get off their back, then, they would be successful. 


These are trauma-centered reactions that begin brewing at an early age. It doesn't matter how well a person was raised, Trauma-impact is about perspective, not reality.

The only thing that matters when it comes to trauma-impact is how the person interprets their experiences. If the person is predisposed to shame, then they will interpret most of their experiences with a sense of inadequacy. "People are against me", It's my fault", "I'm only as good as my performance", and so on.

When a person's sense of who they are is directly tied to their achievements, you will find a person who is constantly seeking to over-achieve while judging themself harshly for under-achieving... And, the cycle continues.

Achieving a lasting recovery requires;

  • complete overhaul of the patient's self-image

  • identifying the points of pain

  • gaining insight into distorted reactions to pain (typically minimizing or flat-out denying it)

  • developing new coping skills

  • while reclaiming the themselves as a human-being 

  • discovering new purpose

Overcoming addiction /alcoholism takes a deep dive of personal exploration to uncover the truth of what's really driving  a person's chaos. Treating only the symptoms of addiction will not hold up for long. The problems are much deeper!

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real recovery requires

real transformation

The majority of our clients do have substance abuse issues, and even, consider themselves addict or alcoholic. They don't get better because we spend a lot of time talking about their favorite drug of choice, or, how stupid it is to get high or drunk.

Our clients get getter because we teach them how to own their responsibilities, make their words have meaning, and develop a spiritual life-style. How to live with purpose and accountability - to become self-sufficient - and generally transformed into a new person with a realistic outlook.

Laying a foundation for recovery that sticks!

Addiction and the chaos that goes with it is a family disorder. It affects the entire family in ways that only people who have lived-it, first hand can understand. This won't change until the family does something different

What you learn

How to identify and overcome 

the true causes of addiction / alcoholism


By addressing trauma, faulty thinking, poor coping skills, disappointments,

under-achievement, low self-esteem, and, a history of success followed by failure,

our clients are able to experience a complete transformation.

2024 Justin's Lighthouse Recovery and family counseling

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